For sale is an early 1900s BRASS SLUG OX TONGUE COLLAR SAD IRON & TRIVET from an unknown manufacture. This rare antique flat sad iron is made from solid brass and has a wooden handle. The iron has a hinged gate at the back to insert the heated iron block into the iron. This size iron was used to iron a shirt collar or cuff. End of the handed is filled with putty. This iron measures about 4 1/2 inches long, 2 inches wide and 4 inches tall. The sale of this iron includes the trivet. A superb collectible to complement your SAD iron collection or for your vintage kitchen décor.
Charcoal or Iron slug style SAD irons were intended to replace the solid SAD iron. The solid SAD iron was heated by placing the iron on the stove or other heat source. You ironed with a pair of SAD irons by rotating between the iron in use and the iron being heated. The innovation of an iron which inserted charcoal or an iron slug was that it was self-heating because of the heat source of burning coal or hot slug inside the iron. The charcoal or iron slug style iron had a short life span because by 1910, the clean and efficient electric iron replaced not only the charcoal iron but also the “cutting edge” gas fired irons that were on the market at the time.