For sale is a vintage 1940s TRU-VUE VIEWER, Original Box, and Nine different FILM REELS from Tru-Vue Incorporated, Rock Island, Illinois. The viewer is in excellent condition and the film strips feature risque burlesque clubs and Hollywood stars. The viewer is used to view 35mm filmstrips which typically contains 14 different stereo view panels. The film strip is advanced through the viewer using a lever at the bottom of the viewer. This viewer must have been given out as a promotional item from the Arthur Walter Seed Company because the company’s name is on the box lid and there is a film strip featuring the company’s processing equipment (scientific Processing – Arthur Walter Seed Company). A first rate vintage collectible toy.
This sale also includes the following 8 film strips:
1302 A Night at the College Inn
1303 Back Stage at Earl Carroll’s
1304 Back Stage at the Florentine
1307 Hollywood Personalities
509 Hollywood 1
510 Hollywood 2
1310 Movies in the Making
In 1931, the TRU-VUE company was founded in Rock Island, Illinois. The company flourished after the 1933 “Century of Progress Exposition” in Chicago. In 1949, Tru-Vue sold over a million reels of film! In 1950, Tru-Vue introduce their first color films to compete with Sawyers View-Master. The company issued over 400 different filmstrips. Tru-Vue viewers were sold until 1952 when the company was bought out by their competitor Sawyers View-Master